Écrire, c'est comme jouer aux dominos mais avec des demi-mots. Il s'agit de les organiser de telle sorte que le premier tombant sous le regard d'un lecteur, il entraîne dans sa chute, un à un, tous les mots d'une histoire captivante. 

Patrick GauthierStorytelling

Biofiction propose une chronologie de la vie de Patrick Gauthier, son parcours d'artiste et philosophe humaniste, cette étude constante des outils de l'intelligence, de l'art et du discours depuis son enfance jusqu'à l'apparition de l'intelligence artificielle aujourd'hui.

May the Fourth Be With You: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Patrick Gauthier | Retour|
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"Si ta journée est difficile, persiste. Si ta journée est belle, encourage ton prochain." This is a mantra that has guided me through many of life's ups and downs. It's a philosophy that was unexpectedly reinforced on a special day, my birthday, the 4th of May, declared by Disney as the International Day of the Force with the slogan "May the fourth be with you."

Orrouk_May_the_fourt...This year, I found myself in the midst of an avalanche of birthday wishes, often tinged with the theme of the day. It made my day a little special, especially since it's my style. After such a long period of sanitary confinement, all these wishes warmed my heart. And to honor this philosophical concept of the Jedi Force, at least as I understand it, in my personalized thanks, I wanted to give back to each of these people a full share of this energy of love that they all together awakened in me, the DNA of this force they had given birth to and which embellished my day.

But what does it mean to persist when the day is difficult? It means to keep the fire of passion burning within you, even when the odds seem stacked against you. It means to invest yourself fully in your pursuits, to let the embers of your determination and motivation glow until they burst into a brilliant flame. It means to be like the old tree, standing tall and strong amidst the storms, its roots deeply embedded in the ground, drawing strength from its very core.

And what does it mean to encourage others when the day is beautiful? It means to share the joy and energy that you have received, to spread the love and positivity that has been bestowed upon you. It means to be a beacon of truth, to cultivate unconditional love for oneself and others, to take responsibility for one's actions and to forgive oneself and others for their shortcomings. It means to be a source of love, to contribute to the world in your own unique way.

So, on this day, I say to you: "May the fourth be with you." May you find the strength to persist when the day is difficult, and the generosity to encourage others when the day is beautiful. And may the Force be with you, always.

Patrick Gauthier
May 2023

Patrick Gauthier

Magister Artium Qui Tenet Calamum

[email protected]
1 514-781-9491

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